My Whole Brood

My Whole Brood

Friday, June 14, 2013

This week as I was thinking back on the past couple of years, I remembered that I had started a blog (1 whole post) in the fall of 2011. I had to laugh as I went back and read it. I was full of myself thinking that in my ripe old age of 51 almost 52 I was going to be this woman who has faith, wisdom, and a quiet life that was accented with the laughter of grandchildren visiting their grandparents. A home full home made cookies, fresh garden veggies, and a place where I can grow old holding hands with my husband on the front porch. I even prayed to the good Lord above about helping me to become this sage old lady who had wisdom for all, who was one with her garden and sewing machine. On this I smile, and acknowledge right here and now that one, you never second guess what God is going to allow to happen in your life and two, be careful praying for wisdom as it comparable to praying for patience.

As most of you know, my family has had to face some hard things these last few years. I admit I have had to dig deep and stay on my knees to keep going at times. I have been carried when I couldn't take another step and have felt the presence of God surround me to lift me to a new day. I want to use this blog, not to preach but to acknowledge and share what I have been taught by God. I am not a teacher, nor am I wise but I have the ability to write my thoughts as take this journey that has been laid out before me. I prayed for wisdom and I am being taught that this does not come easy, but first I need to understand who God is and what he wants from me, from us.

Proverbs 3:5-6

Trust in the Lord with all your heart
And do not lean on your own understanding.
In all your ways acknowledge Him,
And He will make your paths straight.
I also want to throw in a smile of laughter, smiles, stories, and yes, hold on to your! So until I can collect my thoughts, I will talk to you all later. May you all be blessed on this day!